40 years improving living conditions


About the pharmaceutical company Covex

Instalaciones del laboratorio farmacéutico Covex S.A.

We are a leading Spanish chemical-pharmaceutical company in the vinca-derived alkaloids sector.

We have been manufacturing high quality, NCF (GMP) certified API’s (Vinpocetine, Vincamine and Vinburnine) for the world’s pharmaceutical industry since 1977.



The level of experience gained over the years by our highly qualified staff ensures a guarantee of not only meeting the highest standards set by the health authorities, but of satisfying the most important standard of all, the satisfaction of our customers.


Our ingredients are derived from African Voacanga and are processed by high-tech equipment, regularly evaluated and compliant with ICH standards.

Our facilities

Our facilities have increased in capacity and production volume in recent years, giving top priority to ensuring that the excellent quality of our products is maintained. In addition to the approved GMP certificate for manufacturing, the laboratory is GMP certified, with EU authorisation for drug manufacturers and importers, duly certified by the AEMPS (Spanish Agency for Medicines and Health Products).


The modern factory design has a tailor-made area for the reception and preparation of raw materials, 2 extraction lines, 5 synthesis reactors and a grinding and drying system (Grade “D” or ISO 8).

All our facilities strictly comply with current environmental, health and safety legislation.

High quality

Standardisation of pharmaceutical manufacturing processes is generally considered to be the main quality assurance in terms of batch production, and guarantees efficacy and safety of use. Quality assurance is achieved through the implementation of the Covex Quality Assurance System: a range of activities, technologies, methods and instruments managed by highly trained experts to create and control optimal quality standards throughout the manufacturing process.


Specifications relating to the quality of products obtained at Covex are designed to comply with the principles, standards and requirements set by international pharmacopoeias, the ICH and the FDA.


The equipment used is regularly evaluated, and the processes and control methods are validated according to ICH standards.


Compliance with European GMP standards and marketing authorisation for active ingredients is certified by the AEMPS (Spanish Agency for Medicines and Health Products), enabling the company to market its high quality active ingredients internationally.

Research and Development (R&D)

Covex invests heavily in research and development, and works closely with the Complutense University of Madrid (UCM).

A leader in the production of pervinca family products, Covex has developed a unique method of extraction in advanced chemistry, which means that it can now guarantee high quality production to optimum standards capable of competing internationally.

Covex holds a considerable portfolio of patents and trademarks, with intellectual property rights in over 100 countries.